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Great for short rides and even better for long rides.
Stay organized and don't worry about dropping your repair tools on the street, losing them, then getting a mechanical an hour later and realizing you left your allen wrench ten miles back up the hill in the dirt.
- Small, light, and simple
- Large enough to carry a tube, tire levers, tools, patch kit and CO2 cartridges
- Shock cord closure
- Pump strap
- One main strap to secure the tool roll under your seat
- 15" x 11"
Story: RuthWorks SF equipment is used by randonneurs, tourers, commuters, racers, and cyclists around the world. Since 2009 RuthWorks SF has always been a one-person handmade cycling luggage company located in the Mission District of San Francisco, California, creating modern classics using a combination of traditional and modern technical fabrics for the ideal balance of function, performance, and durability.